
Our vase collection offers a variety of designs, from simple to unusual. Find the perfect piece to display your flowers in style.


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74 products

Umber Vase Blau Glas Elegantes DesignVase "Umber" Blue Glass
Vase "Umber" Blue Glass Sale price€99,00 EUR
Umber Vase Klar Glas Schlankes DesignVase "Umber" Transparent Glass
Emerald Vase Grün Strukturiertes Glas MundgeblasenVase "Emerald" Green Glass Mouth Blown
Facet Vase Grau Glas HandgefertigtVase "Facet" Vase Black-Grey Glass
Facet Vase Burgundy Glas HandgefertigtVase "Facet" Burgundy Glass
Vase "Facet" Burgundy Glass Sale price€110,00 EUR
Facet Vase Bernstein Glas HandgefertigtVase "Facet" amber glass
Vase "Facet" amber glass Sale price€110,00 EUR
Duo Vase Gelb Kristall HandgefertigtVase "Duo" Yellow Glass Handmade
Block Vase Blau Kristall HandgefertigtVase "Block" Blue Crystal Handmade
Vase "Block" Transparent GlassVase "Block" Transparent Glass
Hübsch Block Vase Slim Rosa KristallVase "Block" Slim Pink Glass
Leo Vasen Zylinder 2er Set Glas Schwarz-BlauVase "Leo" cylinder blue/burgundy set of 2
Hübsch Umber Vase BernsteinVase "Umber" Amber Glass Handmade
Mahnoor Vase Creative Collection Braun SteingutMahnoor Vase Creative Collection Braun Steingut
Vase Adah Bloomingville Natural StonewareVase Adah Bloomingville Natural Stoneware
ROXA Vase Künstlerisches Design GlasfaserROXA Vase Künstlerisches Design Glasfaser
Nordal A/S
Vase "Roxa" Object Glasfer Sale price€606,00 EUR
Vase "Obsa" Natur SteingutVase "Obsa" natural stoneware
Vase "Saihah" Grün GlasVase "Saihah" Green Glass
Vase "Saia" Gold GlasVase "Saia" Gold Glass
Vase "Shawl" Orange GlasVase "Shawl" Orange Glass
Die Lilac Vase von Creative Collection ist eine elegante Glasvase in einer staubigen lila Farbe mit einem weichen organischen Design und schönen Details, die das Auge fangen.Vase "Lilac" violet glass
Die Scarlet Vase von Creative Collection ist eine hohe und wunderschöne handdekorierte Vase in Weiß mit einer grünen Laufglasur, perfekt für den Boden oder den Tisch und jedes Stück ein Unikat.Vase "Scarlet" Green Stoneware
Blumentopf "Souha" Rot SteingutFlowerpot "Souha" Red Stoneware
Deko-Vase "Soumia" Deko-Vase Grau SteingutDecorative vase "Soumia" Decorative vase grey stoneware
Vase "Pethrine" Natur SteingutVase "Pethrine" natural stoneware
Die Thebe Vase von Creative Collection ist eine wunderschöne Glasvase in warmem Orange mit einem goldenen Schimmereffekt, perfekt für kleine Blumenarrangements und eine elegante Note in jedem Raum.Vase "Thebe" Orange Glass
Bloomingville Trudy Vase, Weiá, SteingutVase "Trudy" White Stoneware
Vase "Vidia" Orange GlasVase "Vidia" Orange Glass
Vase "BATAM" Glasiert Grau handgefertigtVase "BATAM" Glazed Grey handmade
Krug Base "JUNIPER" mit Griff terracotta SchwarzJug Base "JUNIPER" with handle terracotta black
Vase "SAMOS" Glasiert Braun/WeißVase "SAMOS" Glazed Brown/White
Vase "KOMNIO" KlarVase "KOMNIO" Clear
Nordal A/S
Vase "KOMNIO" Clear Sale price€106,00 EUR
Vase "KORO" Glas GrauVase "KORO" Glass Grey
Nordal A/S
Vase "KORO" Glass Grey Sale price€75,00 EUR
Vase "KOMNIO" HellbraunVase "KOMNIO" light brown
Nordal A/S
Vase "KOMNIO" light brown Sale price€106,00 EUR
Blumentopf "RAKITU" WeißFlowerpot "RAKITU" White
Nordal A/S
Flowerpot "RAKITU" White Sale price€79,00 EUR
Dekoration "KETOY" Muschelform WeißDecoration "KETOY" shell shape white
Vase "FLOTTA" hellrosaVase "FLOTTA" light pink
Nordal A/S
Vase "FLOTTA" light pink Sale price€72,00 EUR
Vase "FLOTT" Grün
Nordal A/S
Vase "FLOTT" Green Sale price€72,00 EUR
Vase "FLOTTA" Braun
Nordal A/S
Vase "FLOTTA" Brown Sale price€72,00 EUR
Vase "MAIO" GrünVase "MAIO" Green
Nordal A/S
Vase "MAIO" Green Sale price€48,00 EUR
Vase "MAIO" KlarVase "MAIO" Clear
Nordal A/S
Vase "MAIO" Clear Sale price€72,00 EUR
Die XL-Vase "ISABELA" besticht durch ihr organisch geformtes Design und eignet sich perfekt für Dekorationszwecke oder zum Bepflanzen im InnenbereichVase "ISABELA" XL
Nordal A/S
Vase "ISABELA" XL Sale price€196,00 EUR
Nordal A/S
Bowl "ISABELA" L Sale price€151,00 EUR
Glasvase "HELLE" Vase Off whiteGlass vase "HELLE" Vase Off white
Vase "CLYDE" L BraunVase "CLYDE" L Brown
Nordal A/S
Vase "CLYDE" L Brown Sale price€63,00 EUR
Vase "CLYDE" L BernsteinVase "CLYDE" L amber
Nordal A/S
Vase "CLYDE" L amber Sale price€63,00 EUR
Vase "CLYDE" M RosaVase "CLYDE" M Pink
Nordal A/S
Vase "CLYDE" M Pink Sale price€44,00 EUR
Vase "CLYDE" M GrünVase "CLYDE" M Green
Nordal A/S
Vase "CLYDE" M Green Sale price€44,00 EUR
Sold out
Vase "LOON" Weiß MarmorVase "LOON" White Marble
Nordal A/S
Vase "LOON" White Marble Sale price€151,00 EUR
Sold out
Vase "LOON" Grün MarmorVase "LOON" Green Marble
Nordal A/S
Vase "LOON" Green Marble Sale price€189,00 EUR
Topf "LOON" Grün MarmorPot "LOON" Green Marble
Nordal A/S
Pot "LOON" Green Marble Sale price€121,00 EUR

Setting the Mood.

To the set overview
A harmonious home: create your own oasis of peace

Vases – A touch of elegance in your home at decorio

Discover a wide range of vases at decorio that will add that special something to any room. Our vase collection offers something to suit every taste and style - from classic glass vases to elegant ceramic vases and modern metal vases. Each vase is carefully selected to give your home not only a stylish decoration, but also an individual character.

Whether you place fresh flowers, dried flowers or nothing at all in them, our vases are designed to be eye-catching even when empty. They are perfect for setting accents, be it on the dining table, in the corner of the living room or on the windowsill. The variety of shapes, colors and materials in our range allows you to find the ideal vase for your interior. At decorio, we attach great importance to quality and design. That's why you'll find vases with us that are not only visually appealing, but also durable and robust. Our selection ranges from minimalist designs that blend seamlessly into any interior to eye-catching pieces that can become the focal point of your room.

A stylish vase can have a significant impact on the atmosphere of a room and is an indispensable accessory for anyone who values ​​a well-kept and aesthetically pleasing home. At decorio you will find vases that are not only practical, but also function as works of art and highlight your personal touch.
Browse through our diverse selection of vases and find the perfect piece to add a fresh and stylish touch to your home. Whether you are looking for a small table vase or a large floor vase, you will find it at decorio. Be inspired by the beauty and variety of our vases and give your home a new dimension of style and elegance in just a few simple steps.